The following informational article will show you why you, and everyone else you know, should be consuming a high grade Omega 3 fish oil supplement daily. You are going to learn the difference between the "stuff" you purchase off the shelf in supermarkets, and health food stores and the high quality product you should be purchasing from a reputable source such as Wellness International. To help you understand what follows, remember that Omega 3 fatty acids are actually made up of two principal forms, both of which play essential roles in our body. One is DHA and the other is EPA. Lets get started.
1. Heart...Cardiovascular health...Decreased risk of heart attack by 20-40%...Cardiac Arrhythmias and sudden death (especially immediately following heart attacks) are markedly diminished by 20-40% [Studied by Dr. Leaf of Harvard Medical School]... Decreased risk of repeat Heart Attacks. (The American Heart Association). Omega 3 has been show to reduce the rate of Fatal Arrhythmias by as much as 30%. Diminish intra-arterial plaque build up in the coronary (heart) arteries. Has been administered I.V. to patients to control & abort, cardiac arrhythmias after an acute myocardial infarction (heart attack)
2. Brain...
-Helps prevent dementia in general and Alzheimer's Disease in particular
-Helps prevent Parkinsonism
-May be helpful in the Treatment of Parkinsonism.
-Helps with cognitive functioning.
-Helps prevent cognitive impairment in the elderly
-Improves IQ in children.
-Helps prevent Autism, ADD/ADHD when Omega 3 is taken by pregnant mother.
-Omega 3 has been used to treat Traumatic Brain Injury and Traumatic Spinal Cord injured patients with excellent results.
-Useful in the treatment of ADD/ADHD. (ADD/ADHD children generally have much lower levels of -Omega 3 in their blood than their normal peers)
-May reduce the amount of brain damage after a Stroke
3. Eyes...
Helps prevent Macular Degeneration. "Increasing the intake of dietary omega-3 from fish oil sources, helps prevent the onset of age related macular degeneration". (Archives of Ophthalmology).
The Retina of the eye is lined by a membrane that requires Omega-3, DHA long chain fatty acids for normal functioning. In the absence of adequate amounts of DHA Omega-3, with advancing age, macular degeneration is the result.
-Helps prevent the development of poor night vision
-Helps maintain healthy visual acuity in all ages
-Provides better eyesight in children when taken by pregnant mother.
-Overall, at all ages, promotes retinal and visual health.
-Eating Yellow & Orange colored Fruit as well as dark green leafy vegetables which contain certain Carotenoids (Lutein & Zeaxanthin). In addition zinc oxide 80 mg., copper oxide 2 mg., vitamin C 500 mg., vitamin E 400 IU, beta carotene 15 mg. are also helpful.
4. Migraine...
Helps prevent migraine headaches
5. Rheumatoid arthritis, SLE, other auto-immune & inflammatory conditions & diseases. Studies have shown that after treatment with as little as 3000 mg./day (3 gms.) of high quality Omega 3, over a 12-15 week period, over 75% of patients are able to discontinue all prescription drugs including pain medications, with almost complete relief from symptoms, such as pain, morning stiffness, joint swelling, etc.
6. Joints... Helps maintain joint health. See # 5
7. Skin... Helps control eczema, acne...Psoriasis...Helps prevent sun damage ... Beneficial for those with dry skin, dandruff, nail health.
8. Menstrual Cramps...Reduces Menstrual Cramps by as much as 70%, due to its anti-inflammatory and anti striated muscle contractile properties
9. Pregnancy...
Helps Mother Carry to term by reducing the inflammatory response and muscle contractions caused by excessive Omega-6
-Promotes Healthy Fetal Brain & Retinal Development
-Decreases the incidence of Post-partum Depression. During pregnancy, the fetus preferentially uses up the mother's supply of Omega-3 (unless she replenishes it through supplementation) to use for the proper development of the fetal brain, nervous system, retina and other vital organs. -Breast feeding further depletes the mother of vital Omega-3. The result is depressed mood resulting in post-partum depression.
-Decreases incidence of ADD/ADHD, Autism.
-Increases Intellectual Capacity of newborn, proven by extensive clinical trials
-Promotes healthy visual acuity in the newborn by promoting Healthy Retinal Development
10. Fetus...Improves vision & Mental Capacity of newborn. May help prevent the development of Autism, ADD/ADHD. Children who are breast fed (and therefore receive more Omega 3) score higher on both cognitive and visual testing, even more so in those women who take Omega 3 supplementation during pregnancy [Note: baby formula does not contain Omega 3].
11. Blood pressure ... Stabilizes & modestly reduces BP
12. Stabilizes heart rhythm ... Anti-Arrhythmic actions, especially in post-MI arrhythmias. Lowers the incidence of fatal post-MI arrhythmias.
13. Anti-carcinogenic ... Colon, Breast, Prostate. Improves outcomes in patients treated with chemotherapy and reduces unpleasant side effects from chemotherapy. Several scientific studies have demonstrated the resolution of metastatic breast cancer in liver and bone in patients given high doses of Omega 3.
14. Decreases Triglycerides & Cholesterol. Increases good HDL cholesterol & decreases bad LDL cholesterol
15. Anorexia Nervosa... Helpful as and adjunct in the treatment of A.N.
16. Obesity... Useful in the prevention & treatment of Obesity through its effect on mitigating Insulin resistance and Omega-3 long chain fatty acids promote Thermogenesis, which means that the body uses more energy to burn the same number of calories resulting in the promotion of weight loss through increased heat production
17. ADD/ADHD ... Helpful in treatment of both ADD/ADHD, especially in children with distractibility, poor concentration, memory difficulties & dyslexia. Decreased amounts of Omega-3 causes decreased levels of an important neurotransmitter, Dopamine, which contributes to the development of ADD/ADHD. Increasing the level of Omega -3 significantly increases the brain's level of Dopamine which reverses the negative effects of dopamine deficiency which has been shown to be a causative factor in ADD/ADHD (Dr. Barry Sears). Increasing the intake of Omega-3 Improves behavior, increases Concentration & Focus, decreases impulsive behavior and hyperactivity, increases reading, spelling and math skills, and leads to better language development.
18. Triglycerides & Cholesterol ... Lowers both, especially Triglycerides, increases HDL (the good) cholesterol, lowers LDL (bad) cholesterol
19. Depression and Mood ... (EPA, Omega 3)
-Promotes emotional well being
-Helps counteract mood swings and Depressive & Anxiety states.
-Found beneficial in patients suffering from Schizophrenia,
-Helpful in patients with Bipolar Disease (Manic Depressive states).
-Harvard Medical School clinical trials & the NIH studies have shown that decreased levels of -Omega 3 lead to decreased levels of Serotonin leading to increased incidences of various forms of depression.
-Omega-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids are precursors to and actually increase the production of Serotonin (The Happy Hormone) in the brain relieving depression and increasing & balancing mood & your sense of well being. (Andrew Stoll, MD ... Professor of Neuropsychiatry ... Harvard Medical School and author of "The Omega 3 Connection").
20. Allergies ... Beneficial for those suffering from various allergies
21. Sleep problems ... Beneficial for sleep problems
22. Vascular Health ... Beneficial to the health of your blood vessels. Helps prevent the build up of plaque that causes heart attacks and strokes & peripheral vascular disease resulting in leg pains (claudication) and eventual amputations. Actually capable of reducing plaque build up in your arteries by promoting HDL over LDL.
23. Inflammatory Bowel Disease ... Due to the potent anti-inflammatory properties of Omega 3 it is helpful in Ulcerative Colitis & Crohn's Disease as an adjunct to prescription medications, including steroids.
24. Parkinsonism ... Helps prevent the development & progression of Parkinsonism.
25. Anti-platelet Properties ... Similar to aspirin, although not as long lasting, Omega-3 makes platelets less sticky and therefore less likely to cause clots in the blood vessels. This is a beneficial effect. Aspirin may be taken concomitantly with Omega-3 without untoward side effects.
26. Antioxidants & Omega-3 ... Adding antioxidants to omega 3 is beneficial because the antioxidants retard the breakdown of the omega 3 making their beneficial effect last longer... a good thing.
27. Anticarcinogenic ... Omega-3 has been shown to retard the development of certain cancers such as breast, stomach, intestinal, prostate. Women with high levels of Omega-3 in one study were found to be 60% less likely to develop breast cancer than controls. Omega-3 supplementation renders chemotherapy more effective and less toxic. Studies have documented actual regression of metastatic breast cancer to bone, liver, etc.
28. Diabetes Mellitus/Type 2 ... Dr. Andrew Stoll, Head of the Department of Pharmacognosy, at Harvard Medical School, has conducted studies demonstrating that "a deficit of Omega-3 polyunsaturated Fatty Acids may contribute to a condition known as Insulin Resistance." Insulin Resistance means that the body's endogenous insulin cannot function normally and therefore the blood sugar levels can become abnormally elevated. He further concluded that "supplementation with Omega-3 Fatty acids may decrease Insulin Resistance allowing the body's natural insulin to better regulate the blood sugar level helping to normalize it keeping the blood sugar level at or near normal levels in diabetic patients." This beneficial effect is also seen in non-diabetics.
29. Diabetes Mellitus/Type 1 ... Omega-3 may help prevent and/or stabilize Type 1 Diabetes Mellitus.
30. Asthma ... Omega-3 may diminish or eliminate the symptoms of Asthma.
31. Blood Pressure ... It has been universally proven that Omega-3 moderately, but significantly lowers blood pressure.
32. Immune System ... Omega-3 has been shown to bolster the Immune System by partially blocking the action of Omega-6.
33. Weight Loss ... According to Dr. Connie Guttersen, Omega 3: 1) Stimulates thermogenesis(fat burning) by increasing the body's metabolic rate. 2) Blocks fat storage. 3) Helps prevent the formation of an excess number of fat cells. 4) Encourages a quick burn of calories before they can be deposited as fat. 5) Helps your body absorb healthy nutrients to give you more nutritional benefit without the need to eat excessively.
34. Skeletal System (Bones) ... Omega-3 + Calcium = Healthy Bones. The Omega-3 long chain essential fatty acids are critical to bone health. Omega-3 is necessary for the absorption & deposition into bones of certain minerals such as Calcium. If we do not get enough Omega-3 we cannot effectively absorb calcium and subsequently deposit calcium into our bones, leading to a condition called Osteoporosis of thinning of the bones. (Vanderhaeghe & Karst authors of "Healthy Fats for Life").
Frequently Asked Questions
Q. Who needs to take Omega-3 Supplements?
A. Everyone
Q. At what age should I start taking Omega-3?
A. Before you're born (in utero) up until you're 99
Q. Who says?
A. The World Health Organization, the American Medical Association, the American Heart Association, the American Rheumatologic Association & others
Q. Why do I need Omega -3?
A. The body cannot manufacture omega-3. The average American diet is overly rich in Omega-6 which in excessive quantities, such as is found in the average American diet, is actually toxic to your body and promotes over activity of the immune system which in turn promotes such conditions as Auto-Immune diseases such as Rheumatoid arthritis, Lupus, etc.
Q. Why can't I just eat more fish?
A. Most fish contain impurities that are bad for you. It would be nearly impossible to eat enough fish to equal the amount of EPA & DHA found in Wellness International's 88% pure, high potency Omega 3 capsules, and eating that much fish would bring the risk of toxicity from the impurities carried by the fish flesh.
Q. What impurities are there in fish?
A. Toxins such as Mercury, Lead, PCB's, dioxin, just to name a few.
Q. Don't all Omega-3 products contain lots of impurities?
A. Most low end, inexpensive Omega-3 products and some not so inexpensive OTC products do.
Q. Which Omega-3 products don't?
A. Winomeg-3, distributed by Wellness International, has the lowest percentage of impurities of any in the world due to the processes which the Norwegian supplier puts our product through. In fact, the level of impurities in Winomeg-3 are negligible to non-existent. No other Omega-3 product comes close to the pharmaceutical grade purity standards which Wellness International's does. The company which produces Winomeg-3 has standards of purity which are 50% higher than those mandated by the European Pharmacopoeia and the Norwegian Medicinal Standards.
Q. Isn't flaxseed oil an alternative for Omega-3 derived from fish sources?
A. No, definitely not. Flaxseed oil contains ALA which is converted poorly, slowly and inefficiently into Omega-3 and therefore is a poor substitute for marine derived Omega-3. Due to the poor absorbability of flaxseed, it is an excellent product for those suffering from chronic constipation, because it provides roughage to the large intestine (colon). Most importantly, the Human Brain, which is 60% fat, depends on the form of Omega-3 which is only derived from Fish Sources and not from plant sources which contain ALA.
Q. How much Winomeg-3 should I take daily?
A. Two gel caps of Winomeg 3 per day is the standard dose, but one could increase this to 6-8 per day with no fear of adverse side effects. Doses even higher have been used in certain circumstances, such as in patients with brain trauma, Rheumatoid Arthritis, etc.
Q. I take prescription medications. Are there any medications that react with Omega-3?
A. Overall you may take Omega-3 supplements with any other prescription & non-prescription medications. A recent study of patients taking low dose aspirin showed no increase bleeding tendency when taking Omega-3 with the aspirin. The only possible precaution is if you are taking an anticoagulant such as Coumadin®. Although no interactions have ever been reported you should always discuss taking supplements with your health care provider.
Q. How is it possible that Omega-3 can be so beneficial for all of these different conditions?
A. Omega 3 is an essential ingredient in all of the cells in your body and the reason why it has all of these beneficial effects is that all of the walls of the cells in your body, are made up of polyunsaturated long chain fatty acids (Omega-3). When the ratio of Omega 6 to Omega 3 is out of balance, your body suffers because all of your cells suffer, causing them not to function properly. The average American diet is overly rich in Omega 6 fatty acids, causing the cell membrane to contain a disproportionate amount of Omega 6. When this happens, your cells do not function properly. By putting your body back in balance by taking Omega 3, you correct the cellular composition of all your cells, improving all parts of your body thereby benefiting all parts of your body and you then feel better and most importantly, your body functions better.
Q. What are EPA & DHA in regard to Omega-3.
A. DHA & EPA are both members of the Omega-3 long chain, polyunsaturated fatty acid family of compounds. EPA is responsible for maintaining healthy eye, retina, cardiovascular health and is responsible for the anti-inflammatory properties of Omega-3. EPA also helps regulate hormonal function and balance, immune system function, nervous system health, helps lower triglycerides and cholesterol and prostaglandins. EPA may be the more potent and important of the two main components of Omega-3, although DHA is one of the main building blocks of the Brain and the Retina, which is why it is so extremely important to the developing fetus.
Q. What is the difference between the Triglyceride-form & the Ethyl-Ester form of Fish Oil? Which is better?
A. The Ethyl-Ester form, which is a perfectly natural form, is markedly superior because: The Ethyl-Ester form is absorbed better The Ethyl-Ester form is a natural form of Omega-3 and is utilized in the body better & more efficiently. The Ethyl-Ester form helps the body resist oxidative metabolism (an antioxidant behavior...which is good). The Ethyl-Ester form does not carry with it Saturated Fats (which are bad for the body) like the triglyceride form does. The bioavailability of the Ethyl-Ester form is superior to the triglyceride form. The WinOmeg-3 Ethyl-Ester form contains minimal amounts to no amounts (2% or less) of saturated fat compared to the triglyceride form which normally contains up to 40% of saturated fat.
Q. What are the side effects of Omega-3?
A. There are no known side effects of this natural product. The Inuit (Eskimos) of all ages, ingest on average up to 19 grams of Omega-3 a day and have no adverse side effects from this dosage. This is equal to over 12 WinOmeg-3 gelcaps/day. The usual recommended dose of WinOmeg-3 is 3 grams (2 gel-caps) per day. Supervised medical treatments, of patients with Manic Depression, with 16.9 grams of Omega 3 per day have shown no evidence of side effects.
Q. Should I be taking antioxidants with my Omega-3?
A. A good antioxidant preparation such as PhytoVite® and/or COQ 10, would be suggested because antioxidants inhibit the chemicals that destroy Omega-3 thereby helping keep the Omega-3 active in your system longer thereby prolonging the beneficial effects.
Q. Why should I choose Winomeg-3 over all other omega-3 products?
A. Winomeg-3 has the following characteristics, which others do not have: (Dr. Stoll, Harvard University, in his book, recommends exactly these characteristics when choosing an Omega-3 product).
1. Pharmaceutical Grade
2. Produced in a Licensed Pharmaceutical Facility
3. Produced under the highest standards of purity that go far beyond those set by various European & American governing bodies.
4. Licensed by the FDA to be able to produce Pharmaceutical Grade Prescription strength Omega-3
5. Produced from exceptional raw materials consisting only of arctic cold water non-predatory fish (anchovies, herring & sardines) naturally high in the Omega-3 fatty acids, EPA & DHA, harvested from cold arctic waters and very low in environmental pollutants.
6. Exceptional Purity. 85-88% pure. All known pollutants are reduced below detectable levels
7. Highly concentrated. Because it is highly concentrated, this minimizes the number of gel caps you have to take on a daily basis in order to get the maximum benefit.
8. High EPA to DHA Ratio. It has been scientifically determined that the EPA to DHA ratio should be at least 3-4 to 1, which is what is contained in WinOmeg-3.
9. Low amounts of Omega 6. Omega 6 is a needed and necessary ingredient in normal diets. However, the amount should be very small compared to Omega 3, which is exactly how the WinOmeg 3 product is formulated.
10. Molecular Distillation. The best omega 3 products are all processed under molecular distillation, which is how WinOmeg-3 is produced.
11. Exceptional Freshness. No fishy smell when you open the bottle, or fishy aftertaste (no "fish burps") because the WinOmeg 3 product is Oxygen Free (because of a special process wherein the product is encapsulated under Nitrogen). Oxidized fish oil should not be ingested due to rancidity, spoilage and loss of potency. Vitamin E is added to our WinOmeg-3 as an antioxidant to ensure freshness.
12. Cholesterol Free, Triglyceride Free & Saturated Fat Free. Other commonly found omega 3 products contain all three of these harmful elements and are definitely not recommended for human consumption.
Q. How does WinOmeg 3 compare to other products that I can get at my local supermarket, health food store, etc.?
A. Compared to other Omega 3 products on the market our product is at least 88% (or more) pure. The majority of other products range from 25% to 62% pure. In our Omega 3 you get Omega 3 and Vitamin E for its antioxidant properties which helps keep our product rancid free. What you don't get in our WinOmeg 3 and you will get in most other products is:
1. Magnesium
2. PCB's
3. Heavy metals
4. Lead
5. Arsenic
6. Pesticides
7. Saturated fats
8. Trans fats
9. Mold
10. Artificial flavors, colors, sweeteners
11. Assorted "mystery" fillers
12. A strong, rancid oxidized fishy odor and taste (fish burps)
Where can you find this excellent Omega 3 product?
Simply go to: []
Don't forget to type in your Preferred Customer Code: Wellness2440
To Your Health,
Dr. Bob
Dr Bob is a retired physician, Specialist of Internal Medicine & during his 25+ years in practice he took an avid interest in all natural supplements and routinely utilized them in treating his patients, either in conjunction with or in place of prescription drugs with excellent results.
This was especially true of high grade Omega 3, which he insisted all of his patients consume on a daily basis for all around good health.
Now he wants to share his expertise with the public to help everyone enjoy a long & healthy life.
To Your Good Health! Dr. Bob
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