No one wants to start vacation with a cold or the flu. Changes in routines and exposure to foreign germs can make you sick. A week in a hotel taking care of sick kids is not relaxing.
Follow these 12 tips to keep your family healthy while traveling.
1. Rest. Maintain your sleep schedule. This can be difficult when traveling in different time zones. Jet lag and poor sleep will wreak havoc on your immune system. If possible, try not to change your schedule too much. If you have no choice, make sure you're still getting 7-9 hours of sleep nightly.
2. Try to eat healthy. Rent a house with a kitchen (it's actually cheaper than a hotel). You'll have more space and you'll be able to prepare healthy food. If you don't want to cook or do dishes on vacation, pick up some paper plates and plan easy meals and snacks.
On vacation, we expect to indulge in some sweet treats. If you gorge on sugar, your immunity will drop plus you will feel lousy.
3. Carry antibacterial wipes and hand sanitizer. When traveling we are exposed to many foreign germs that we have not developed an immunity to. A plane contains germs from all over the world.
Wipe down tray tables and arm rests with an antibacterial wipe. Especially if your little one is going to be using it. You never know when you're going to end up in a restroom with no soap; keep hand sanitizer handy.
4. Probiotics. This is important. Purchase a high quality self-stable probiotic. Research shows that quality probiotics increase immunity. Additionally, a healthy digestive system is important to be able to adequately handle the variety of the new foods, different ingredients, and new water systems that you may be ingesting.
5. Check travel advisories. If only bottled water is recommended, only drink bottled water! Remember this warning likely includes ice, frozen drinks, coffee, tea, and uncooked fruits and vegetables washed in tap water. Don't let little ones to use tap water for brushing teeth as they may swallow some of the water.
6. Zinc, Vitamin C, or other supplements. Airplanes are confined spaces packed with people from all over the world. The recirculated air is filtered by a HEPA filter to remove germs, but chances are many of those germs will travel past you before they get to that filter. Research shows that zinc can cut the duration of a cold. There's contradicting research about Airborne, but for the low cost, anything you can do to increase you immunity is ideal.
7. Don't schedule immunizations within three weeks before travel. I'm a strong advocate of maintaining an immunization schedule. Except in extenuating circumstances, like travel. Just like a cold does, immunizations lower immunity. Schedule yearly physicals for after you've returned.
If you're traveling with an infant, notify the doctor when you plan the trip. They may adjust the immunization schedule around the trip to ensure adequate coverage while traveling.
If you're traveling to a location that recommends additional immunizations, schedule them as soon as you book your tickets.
8. Stay away from sick people. If someone sounds like their hacking up a lung, try not to sit next to them. If you're stuck in their row on a flight, don't put your littlest next to them, the littles are usually the most susceptible to getting sick.
Keep this in mind the week or two before your trip too. Try to avoid anyone with stuffy noses or tummy aches.
9. Sensitive skin or allergies? Bring your own laundry detergent, soaps, lotions, etc. Bring Benadryl and cortisone ointment, even if it's available at your destination. No one wants to search for a pharmacy at 10:00 pm, because Susie-Q broke out in hives.
10. Exercise. Don't lay around like a lump. Its vacation, you don't need to sprint ten miles a day, but get the lymph system pumping and the blood flowing, it increases immunity. Do something, schedule a hike, swim, attend a yoga class.
11. Don't overdo it. I know that's hard when on vacation. There are a million exciting sights and activities you want to cram in. Try to balance. Schedule some relaxation in between the fun.
12. Don't stress. Easy to say, but missed connections, crying children, and lost luggage adds up. Stress weakens the immune system and gives germs the opportunity to attack and multiply. When chaos ensues, breathe deep and go with the flow. Meditation has transformed lives; this may be the ideal opportunity to give it a try. - clarifying confusing health info among chaos. Visit for more tips and information to raise healthy families.
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