الخميس، 3 سبتمبر 2015

Do You Really Need Supplemental Omega 3?

The following informational article will show you why you, and everyone else you know, should be consuming a high grade Omega 3 fish oil supplement daily. You are going to learn the difference between the "stuff" you purchase off the shelf in supermarkets, and health food stores and the high quality product you should be purchasing from a reputable source such as Wellness International. To help you understand what follows, remember that Omega 3 fatty acids are actually made up of two principal forms, both of which play essential roles in our body. One is DHA and the other is EPA. Lets get started.

1. Heart...Cardiovascular health...Decreased risk of heart attack by 20-40%...Cardiac Arrhythmias and sudden death (especially immediately following heart attacks) are markedly diminished by 20-40% [Studied by Dr. Leaf of Harvard Medical School]... Decreased risk of repeat Heart Attacks. (The American Heart Association). Omega 3 has been show to reduce the rate of Fatal Arrhythmias by as much as 30%. Diminish intra-arterial plaque build up in the coronary (heart) arteries. Has been administered I.V. to patients to control & abort, cardiac arrhythmias after an acute myocardial infarction (heart attack)

2. Brain...

-Helps prevent dementia in general and Alzheimer's Disease in particular
-Helps prevent Parkinsonism
-May be helpful in the Treatment of Parkinsonism.
-Helps with cognitive functioning.
-Helps prevent cognitive impairment in the elderly
-Improves IQ in children.
-Helps prevent Autism, ADD/ADHD when Omega 3 is taken by pregnant mother.
-Omega 3 has been used to treat Traumatic Brain Injury and Traumatic Spinal Cord injured patients with excellent results.
-Useful in the treatment of ADD/ADHD. (ADD/ADHD children generally have much lower levels of -Omega 3 in their blood than their normal peers)
-May reduce the amount of brain damage after a Stroke

3. Eyes...

Helps prevent Macular Degeneration. "Increasing the intake of dietary omega-3 from fish oil sources, helps prevent the onset of age related macular degeneration". (Archives of Ophthalmology).

The Retina of the eye is lined by a membrane that requires Omega-3, DHA long chain fatty acids for normal functioning. In the absence of adequate amounts of DHA Omega-3, with advancing age, macular degeneration is the result.

-Helps prevent the development of poor night vision
-Helps maintain healthy visual acuity in all ages
-Provides better eyesight in children when taken by pregnant mother.
-Overall, at all ages, promotes retinal and visual health.
-Eating Yellow & Orange colored Fruit as well as dark green leafy vegetables which contain certain Carotenoids (Lutein & Zeaxanthin). In addition zinc oxide 80 mg., copper oxide 2 mg., vitamin C 500 mg., vitamin E 400 IU, beta carotene 15 mg. are also helpful.

4. Migraine...

Helps prevent migraine headaches

5. Rheumatoid arthritis, SLE, other auto-immune & inflammatory conditions & diseases. Studies have shown that after treatment with as little as 3000 mg./day (3 gms.) of high quality Omega 3, over a 12-15 week period, over 75% of patients are able to discontinue all prescription drugs including pain medications, with almost complete relief from symptoms, such as pain, morning stiffness, joint swelling, etc.

6. Joints... Helps maintain joint health. See # 5

7. Skin... Helps control eczema, acne...Psoriasis...Helps prevent sun damage ... Beneficial for those with dry skin, dandruff, nail health.

8. Menstrual Cramps...Reduces Menstrual Cramps by as much as 70%, due to its anti-inflammatory and anti striated muscle contractile properties

9. Pregnancy...

Helps Mother Carry to term by reducing the inflammatory response and muscle contractions caused by excessive Omega-6

-Promotes Healthy Fetal Brain & Retinal Development
-Decreases the incidence of Post-partum Depression. During pregnancy, the fetus preferentially uses up the mother's supply of Omega-3 (unless she replenishes it through supplementation) to use for the proper development of the fetal brain, nervous system, retina and other vital organs. -Breast feeding further depletes the mother of vital Omega-3. The result is depressed mood resulting in post-partum depression.
-Decreases incidence of ADD/ADHD, Autism.
-Increases Intellectual Capacity of newborn, proven by extensive clinical trials
-Promotes healthy visual acuity in the newborn by promoting Healthy Retinal Development

10. Fetus...Improves vision & Mental Capacity of newborn. May help prevent the development of Autism, ADD/ADHD. Children who are breast fed (and therefore receive more Omega 3) score higher on both cognitive and visual testing, even more so in those women who take Omega 3 supplementation during pregnancy [Note: baby formula does not contain Omega 3].

11. Blood pressure ... Stabilizes & modestly reduces BP

12. Stabilizes heart rhythm ... Anti-Arrhythmic actions, especially in post-MI arrhythmias. Lowers the incidence of fatal post-MI arrhythmias.

13. Anti-carcinogenic ... Colon, Breast, Prostate. Improves outcomes in patients treated with chemotherapy and reduces unpleasant side effects from chemotherapy. Several scientific studies have demonstrated the resolution of metastatic breast cancer in liver and bone in patients given high doses of Omega 3.

14. Decreases Triglycerides & Cholesterol. Increases good HDL cholesterol & decreases bad LDL cholesterol

15. Anorexia Nervosa... Helpful as and adjunct in the treatment of A.N.

16. Obesity... Useful in the prevention & treatment of Obesity through its effect on mitigating Insulin resistance and Omega-3 long chain fatty acids promote Thermogenesis, which means that the body uses more energy to burn the same number of calories resulting in the promotion of weight loss through increased heat production

17. ADD/ADHD ... Helpful in treatment of both ADD/ADHD, especially in children with distractibility, poor concentration, memory difficulties & dyslexia. Decreased amounts of Omega-3 causes decreased levels of an important neurotransmitter, Dopamine, which contributes to the development of ADD/ADHD. Increasing the level of Omega -3 significantly increases the brain's level of Dopamine which reverses the negative effects of dopamine deficiency which has been shown to be a causative factor in ADD/ADHD (Dr. Barry Sears). Increasing the intake of Omega-3 Improves behavior, increases Concentration & Focus, decreases impulsive behavior and hyperactivity, increases reading, spelling and math skills, and leads to better language development.

18. Triglycerides & Cholesterol ... Lowers both, especially Triglycerides, increases HDL (the good) cholesterol, lowers LDL (bad) cholesterol

19. Depression and Mood ... (EPA, Omega 3)

-Promotes emotional well being
-Helps counteract mood swings and Depressive & Anxiety states.
-Found beneficial in patients suffering from Schizophrenia,
-Helpful in patients with Bipolar Disease (Manic Depressive states).
-Harvard Medical School clinical trials & the NIH studies have shown that decreased levels of -Omega 3 lead to decreased levels of Serotonin leading to increased incidences of various forms of depression.
-Omega-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids are precursors to and actually increase the production of Serotonin (The Happy Hormone) in the brain relieving depression and increasing & balancing mood & your sense of well being. (Andrew Stoll, MD ... Professor of Neuropsychiatry ... Harvard Medical School and author of "The Omega 3 Connection").

20. Allergies ... Beneficial for those suffering from various allergies

21. Sleep problems ... Beneficial for sleep problems

22. Vascular Health ... Beneficial to the health of your blood vessels. Helps prevent the build up of plaque that causes heart attacks and strokes & peripheral vascular disease resulting in leg pains (claudication) and eventual amputations. Actually capable of reducing plaque build up in your arteries by promoting HDL over LDL.

23. Inflammatory Bowel Disease ... Due to the potent anti-inflammatory properties of Omega 3 it is helpful in Ulcerative Colitis & Crohn's Disease as an adjunct to prescription medications, including steroids.

24. Parkinsonism ... Helps prevent the development & progression of Parkinsonism.

25. Anti-platelet Properties ... Similar to aspirin, although not as long lasting, Omega-3 makes platelets less sticky and therefore less likely to cause clots in the blood vessels. This is a beneficial effect. Aspirin may be taken concomitantly with Omega-3 without untoward side effects.

26. Antioxidants & Omega-3 ... Adding antioxidants to omega 3 is beneficial because the antioxidants retard the breakdown of the omega 3 making their beneficial effect last longer... a good thing.

27. Anticarcinogenic ... Omega-3 has been shown to retard the development of certain cancers such as breast, stomach, intestinal, prostate. Women with high levels of Omega-3 in one study were found to be 60% less likely to develop breast cancer than controls. Omega-3 supplementation renders chemotherapy more effective and less toxic. Studies have documented actual regression of metastatic breast cancer to bone, liver, etc.

28. Diabetes Mellitus/Type 2 ... Dr. Andrew Stoll, Head of the Department of Pharmacognosy, at Harvard Medical School, has conducted studies demonstrating that "a deficit of Omega-3 polyunsaturated Fatty Acids may contribute to a condition known as Insulin Resistance." Insulin Resistance means that the body's endogenous insulin cannot function normally and therefore the blood sugar levels can become abnormally elevated. He further concluded that "supplementation with Omega-3 Fatty acids may decrease Insulin Resistance allowing the body's natural insulin to better regulate the blood sugar level helping to normalize it keeping the blood sugar level at or near normal levels in diabetic patients." This beneficial effect is also seen in non-diabetics.

29. Diabetes Mellitus/Type 1 ... Omega-3 may help prevent and/or stabilize Type 1 Diabetes Mellitus.

30. Asthma ... Omega-3 may diminish or eliminate the symptoms of Asthma.

31. Blood Pressure ... It has been universally proven that Omega-3 moderately, but significantly lowers blood pressure.

32. Immune System ... Omega-3 has been shown to bolster the Immune System by partially blocking the action of Omega-6.

33. Weight Loss ... According to Dr. Connie Guttersen, Omega 3: 1) Stimulates thermogenesis(fat burning) by increasing the body's metabolic rate. 2) Blocks fat storage. 3) Helps prevent the formation of an excess number of fat cells. 4) Encourages a quick burn of calories before they can be deposited as fat. 5) Helps your body absorb healthy nutrients to give you more nutritional benefit without the need to eat excessively.

34. Skeletal System (Bones) ... Omega-3 + Calcium = Healthy Bones. The Omega-3 long chain essential fatty acids are critical to bone health. Omega-3 is necessary for the absorption & deposition into bones of certain minerals such as Calcium. If we do not get enough Omega-3 we cannot effectively absorb calcium and subsequently deposit calcium into our bones, leading to a condition called Osteoporosis of thinning of the bones. (Vanderhaeghe & Karst authors of "Healthy Fats for Life").

Frequently Asked Questions

Q. Who needs to take Omega-3 Supplements?

A. Everyone

Q. At what age should I start taking Omega-3?

A. Before you're born (in utero) up until you're 99

Q. Who says?

A. The World Health Organization, the American Medical Association, the American Heart Association, the American Rheumatologic Association & others

Q. Why do I need Omega -3?

A. The body cannot manufacture omega-3. The average American diet is overly rich in Omega-6 which in excessive quantities, such as is found in the average American diet, is actually toxic to your body and promotes over activity of the immune system which in turn promotes such conditions as Auto-Immune diseases such as Rheumatoid arthritis, Lupus, etc.

Q. Why can't I just eat more fish?

A. Most fish contain impurities that are bad for you. It would be nearly impossible to eat enough fish to equal the amount of EPA & DHA found in Wellness International's 88% pure, high potency Omega 3 capsules, and eating that much fish would bring the risk of toxicity from the impurities carried by the fish flesh.

Q. What impurities are there in fish?

A. Toxins such as Mercury, Lead, PCB's, dioxin, just to name a few.

Q. Don't all Omega-3 products contain lots of impurities?

A. Most low end, inexpensive Omega-3 products and some not so inexpensive OTC products do.

Q. Which Omega-3 products don't?

A. Winomeg-3, distributed by Wellness International, has the lowest percentage of impurities of any in the world due to the processes which the Norwegian supplier puts our product through. In fact, the level of impurities in Winomeg-3 are negligible to non-existent. No other Omega-3 product comes close to the pharmaceutical grade purity standards which Wellness International's does. The company which produces Winomeg-3 has standards of purity which are 50% higher than those mandated by the European Pharmacopoeia and the Norwegian Medicinal Standards.

Q. Isn't flaxseed oil an alternative for Omega-3 derived from fish sources?

A. No, definitely not. Flaxseed oil contains ALA which is converted poorly, slowly and inefficiently into Omega-3 and therefore is a poor substitute for marine derived Omega-3. Due to the poor absorbability of flaxseed, it is an excellent product for those suffering from chronic constipation, because it provides roughage to the large intestine (colon). Most importantly, the Human Brain, which is 60% fat, depends on the form of Omega-3 which is only derived from Fish Sources and not from plant sources which contain ALA.

Q. How much Winomeg-3 should I take daily?

A. Two gel caps of Winomeg 3 per day is the standard dose, but one could increase this to 6-8 per day with no fear of adverse side effects. Doses even higher have been used in certain circumstances, such as in patients with brain trauma, Rheumatoid Arthritis, etc.

Q. I take prescription medications. Are there any medications that react with Omega-3?

A. Overall you may take Omega-3 supplements with any other prescription & non-prescription medications. A recent study of patients taking low dose aspirin showed no increase bleeding tendency when taking Omega-3 with the aspirin. The only possible precaution is if you are taking an anticoagulant such as Coumadin®. Although no interactions have ever been reported you should always discuss taking supplements with your health care provider.

Q. How is it possible that Omega-3 can be so beneficial for all of these different conditions?

A. Omega 3 is an essential ingredient in all of the cells in your body and the reason why it has all of these beneficial effects is that all of the walls of the cells in your body, are made up of polyunsaturated long chain fatty acids (Omega-3). When the ratio of Omega 6 to Omega 3 is out of balance, your body suffers because all of your cells suffer, causing them not to function properly. The average American diet is overly rich in Omega 6 fatty acids, causing the cell membrane to contain a disproportionate amount of Omega 6. When this happens, your cells do not function properly. By putting your body back in balance by taking Omega 3, you correct the cellular composition of all your cells, improving all parts of your body thereby benefiting all parts of your body and you then feel better and most importantly, your body functions better.

Q. What are EPA & DHA in regard to Omega-3.

A. DHA & EPA are both members of the Omega-3 long chain, polyunsaturated fatty acid family of compounds. EPA is responsible for maintaining healthy eye, retina, cardiovascular health and is responsible for the anti-inflammatory properties of Omega-3. EPA also helps regulate hormonal function and balance, immune system function, nervous system health, helps lower triglycerides and cholesterol and prostaglandins. EPA may be the more potent and important of the two main components of Omega-3, although DHA is one of the main building blocks of the Brain and the Retina, which is why it is so extremely important to the developing fetus.

Q. What is the difference between the Triglyceride-form & the Ethyl-Ester form of Fish Oil? Which is better?

A. The Ethyl-Ester form, which is a perfectly natural form, is markedly superior because: The Ethyl-Ester form is absorbed better The Ethyl-Ester form is a natural form of Omega-3 and is utilized in the body better & more efficiently. The Ethyl-Ester form helps the body resist oxidative metabolism (an antioxidant behavior...which is good). The Ethyl-Ester form does not carry with it Saturated Fats (which are bad for the body) like the triglyceride form does. The bioavailability of the Ethyl-Ester form is superior to the triglyceride form. The WinOmeg-3 Ethyl-Ester form contains minimal amounts to no amounts (2% or less) of saturated fat compared to the triglyceride form which normally contains up to 40% of saturated fat.

Q. What are the side effects of Omega-3?

A. There are no known side effects of this natural product. The Inuit (Eskimos) of all ages, ingest on average up to 19 grams of Omega-3 a day and have no adverse side effects from this dosage. This is equal to over 12 WinOmeg-3 gelcaps/day. The usual recommended dose of WinOmeg-3 is 3 grams (2 gel-caps) per day. Supervised medical treatments, of patients with Manic Depression, with 16.9 grams of Omega 3 per day have shown no evidence of side effects.

Q. Should I be taking antioxidants with my Omega-3?

A. A good antioxidant preparation such as PhytoVite® and/or COQ 10, would be suggested because antioxidants inhibit the chemicals that destroy Omega-3 thereby helping keep the Omega-3 active in your system longer thereby prolonging the beneficial effects.

Q. Why should I choose Winomeg-3 over all other omega-3 products?

A. Winomeg-3 has the following characteristics, which others do not have: (Dr. Stoll, Harvard University, in his book, recommends exactly these characteristics when choosing an Omega-3 product).

1. Pharmaceutical Grade
2. Produced in a Licensed Pharmaceutical Facility
3. Produced under the highest standards of purity that go far beyond those set by various European & American governing bodies.
4. Licensed by the FDA to be able to produce Pharmaceutical Grade Prescription strength Omega-3
5. Produced from exceptional raw materials consisting only of arctic cold water non-predatory fish (anchovies, herring & sardines) naturally high in the Omega-3 fatty acids, EPA & DHA, harvested from cold arctic waters and very low in environmental pollutants.
6. Exceptional Purity. 85-88% pure. All known pollutants are reduced below detectable levels
7. Highly concentrated. Because it is highly concentrated, this minimizes the number of gel caps you have to take on a daily basis in order to get the maximum benefit.
8. High EPA to DHA Ratio. It has been scientifically determined that the EPA to DHA ratio should be at least 3-4 to 1, which is what is contained in WinOmeg-3.
9. Low amounts of Omega 6. Omega 6 is a needed and necessary ingredient in normal diets. However, the amount should be very small compared to Omega 3, which is exactly how the WinOmeg 3 product is formulated.
10. Molecular Distillation. The best omega 3 products are all processed under molecular distillation, which is how WinOmeg-3 is produced.
11. Exceptional Freshness. No fishy smell when you open the bottle, or fishy aftertaste (no "fish burps") because the WinOmeg 3 product is Oxygen Free (because of a special process wherein the product is encapsulated under Nitrogen). Oxidized fish oil should not be ingested due to rancidity, spoilage and loss of potency. Vitamin E is added to our WinOmeg-3 as an antioxidant to ensure freshness.
12. Cholesterol Free, Triglyceride Free & Saturated Fat Free. Other commonly found omega 3 products contain all three of these harmful elements and are definitely not recommended for human consumption.

Q. How does WinOmeg 3 compare to other products that I can get at my local supermarket, health food store, etc.?

A. Compared to other Omega 3 products on the market our product is at least 88% (or more) pure. The majority of other products range from 25% to 62% pure. In our Omega 3 you get Omega 3 and Vitamin E for its antioxidant properties which helps keep our product rancid free. What you don't get in our WinOmeg 3 and you will get in most other products is:

1. Magnesium
2. PCB's
3. Heavy metals
4. Lead
5. Arsenic
6. Pesticides
7. Saturated fats
8. Trans fats
9. Mold
10. Artificial flavors, colors, sweeteners
11. Assorted "mystery" fillers
12. A strong, rancid oxidized fishy odor and taste (fish burps)

Where can you find this excellent Omega 3 product?

Simply go to: [http://RoblinWellnessToday.com/]

Don't forget to type in your Preferred Customer Code: Wellness2440

To Your Health,

Dr. Bob

Dr Bob is a retired physician, Specialist of Internal Medicine & during his 25+ years in practice he took an avid interest in all natural supplements and routinely utilized them in treating his patients, either in conjunction with or in place of prescription drugs with excellent results.

This was especially true of high grade Omega 3, which he insisted all of his patients consume on a daily basis for all around good health.

Now he wants to share his expertise with the public to help everyone enjoy a long & healthy life.

To Your Good Health! Dr. Bob

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Dr._Robert_Pellegrine

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/1596862

Get the Lead Out! Could There Be Lead in Your Calcium Supplement?

People who take high doses of natural source calcium could be placing themselves at high risk for cumulative lead toxicity according to research conducted by the University of Arizona. While calcium itself has virtually no toxicity, there is evidence that natural source calcium supplements - those made from bone meal, oyster shell and dolomite may contain heavy metals, including lead. A study conducted by Trent University in Canada where some 70 brands of calcium supplements were tested, found that 25% of the brands exceeded the FDA limit for lead toxicity.

While the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has set an upper limit for the amount of lead in a calcium supplement (7.5 micrograms per 1000 milligrams of calcium), calcium supplements are not tested by any regulatory agency for lead content. This is a concern given recent increases in doctor recommendations for calcium supplements to prevent osteoporosis and for those, particularly children, who rely on calcium supplementation as their main source of calcium.

Since it is not feasible for consumers to test supplements for lead contamination, there is generally rampant disregard for the standardization of manufacturing practices and quality control measures. The result is that inferior and unsafe products make their way into the market. As stated in the Comparative Guide to Nutritional Supplements by Lyle Mac William MSC, FP, "there are no current US regulations that enforce minimum standards of practice, no requirements for pre-market approval, no post-market surveillance, and no site licensing or product licensing required for the manufacturing of dietary supplement is the United States."

So what guidelines should we use when choosing a calcium supplement or any supplement for that matter?

1. Find a company that owns their own manufacturing facility. Many don't. Outsourcing often means sacrificing on quality control.
2. Find a company that manufactures its supplements according to GMP (Good Manufacturing Practice). These standards require that manufacturers take proactive steps to ensure that products are safe, pure and effective.
3. Find one of the few companies that manufacturer their supplements using Pharmaceutical Grade standards.

The secret to Pharmaceutical Grade supplements is that they are formulated to exact measurements - just like a prescription that you get from the pharmacy. They yield a higher degree of bio availability which means that your body can absorb them easily. This also guarantees that what is on the label is in the bottle. This in turn can make a huge difference in how supplements improve your health and your quality of life and overall well being.

Oh, and be on the lookout for the term "Medical Grade supplements" - this is a new term being touted by some in the industry. This is a "made up" category which serves to further confuse the already overwhelmed consumer into thinking that they are purchasing a supplement that is approved by the medical community. Don't fall for the hype! There are only three categories of supplements:

o Animal Grade
o Food Grade
o Pharmaceutical Grade

There are no other grades and 99% of the supplements on the market today are made to Food Grade standards. Without getting too technical, pizza, for example is made to Food Grade standards. One pizza may have 20 slices of pepperoni and another may have 10 slices, yet they are both acceptable as pizzas. This standard is OK for a pizza, but not for a supplement that you are trusting to improve your overall well being or to ward off chronic disease.

So before you plunk down your money for a calcium or any supplement, do some research, wade through the masses of information and misinformation and choose a supplement that is safe, pure and effective. Knowledge after all is power.

Michelle Rodulfo is a Network Marketer in the Health and Wellness field. Do you want to feel the best that you possibly can? Are you ready to build a foundation of exceptional health? If you want pure, safe and effective supplementation instead of hype, then visit our website to learn more.


Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Michelle_Rodulfo

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/2453144

Foods That Reduce Bone Density

You probably know that calcium and vitamin D are needed to build strong bones. But what you may not know is that there are certain foods in your diet that can actually reduce bone density, increasing your risk for osteoporosis. For even stronger bones, avoid these everyday calcium destroyers.


Caffeine leaches calcium from your bones, reducing their strength. In fact, you lose about 6 milligrams of calcium for every 100 milligrams of caffeine ingested. In a recent study of 31,527 women ages 40 to 76, researchers found those women who drink 330 milligrams of caffeine or more a day - the equivalent of about four cups of coffee - had an increased risk of bone fractures. This risk was especially noted in women who had a lower consumption of calcium.

The good news is that limiting caffeine intake to 300 milligrams a day while getting adequate calcium probably offsets any losses caffeine causes. Therefore, if you can't reduce the caffeine, make sure you are getting enough calcium.


Too much sodium in your diet can cause you to excrete calcium in your urine and perspiration. Sodium is found in table salt and many processed foods. Studies show that regular table salt, not simply sodium, causes calcium loss, weakening bones with time. That's important because Americans get about 90% of our sodium through salt.

Americans get about twice as much sodium as recommended. The dietary guidelines for Americans advise limiting sodium to 2,300 milligrams a day. For every 2,300 milligrams of sodium you take in, about 40 milligrams of calcium is lost in the urine.


Many carbonated soft drinks contain phosphoric acid, which can increase calcium excretion in your urine. And nearly all soft drinks lack calcium. Excess phosphorus promotes calcium loss from the body when calcium intake is low. The occasional soda is fine, but many people, especially women, consume more than an occasional soda.

Wheat bran

The only food known to reduce the absorption of calcium when eaten at the same time as calcium is 100 percent wheat bran. If you take calcium supplements, foods containing wheat bran should be eaten two or more hours before or after taking the supplement.


Excessive drinking of alcoholic beverages is associated with lower bone density because alcohol interferes with the absorption of calcium and vitamin D. Alcohol interferes with liver enzymes that are necessary for converting the inactive form of Vitamin D into the active form. Without sufficient active Vitamin D, your body can not absorb calcium from your gastrointestinal tract. To lower your risk for osteoporosis, limit your intake of alcohol to one drink a day.

Balance Your Diet with High Calcium Foods

If you consume high amounts of any of the foods mentioned above, it is important to eat a well-balanced diet to keep your bones healthy. Getting the recommended amount of calcium each day to offset any loss of calcium caused by any other foods you eat will go a long way to preventing bone loss.

Fortunately, there are plenty of good sources of calcium to include in your diet:
low-fat dairy products
dark green, leafy vegetables
calcium-fortified whole grain cereals
calcium-fortified juices
calcium supplementsWhatever your diet, you should be getting 1,000 mg of calcium daily if you're under 50(more if you are pregnant or nursing). If you're over 50, you need 1,200 mg of calcium daily.

If you are looking for an effective supplement to strengthen and protect your bones, we suggest Healthy Choice Naturals Osteocare. It provides you with a rich source of highly absorbent Calcium, Magnesium and important minerals scientifically formulated to support and strengthen your bones.

Frank Darling is a writer for the HealthyChoiceNaturals Health Newsletter. For more information on natural supplements for a healthy lifestyle, visit http://www.HealthyChoiceNaturals.com

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Frank_Darling

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/2860587

The Key to Building Strong Bones

Bones serve as the framework of the human body. Bone is living tissue that undergoes a cyclical process of building, degradation, and rebuilding. While healthy bones can resist external pressures well enough to prevent breakage, some conditions such as osteoporosis affect the building and rebuilding process itself. Instead of strong bones, a person with the disease suffers from the consequences of brittle bones.

Weakened bone due to age and decrease in bone density

Men and women may be diagnosed with osteoporosis, although the condition is more prevalent in women, especially females older than 50. Whereas at a younger age, people form more bones than they are losing, the process of bone rebuilding slows down in women approaching menopause. According to the National Osteoporosis Foundation, the decrease in bone density is a sign of osteoporosis. Bone density is measured by a painless radiologic procedure similar to an X-ray and compared to the average measurement of that of a person 20 to 30 years of age. It is possible to lower the risk of incurring osteoporosis with daily intake of the right kinds of food and regular physical activity.

Key nutrients to build stronger bones

Vitamin D and calcium are the two main nutrients required by the body in forming strong bones. These are especially important in young children, whose bones are still forming, While Vitamin D is essential in the absorption of calcium, the latter is a key component of teeth and bones. Vitamin D is also important for the growth of bones. Both substances work together to prevent the occurrence of fractures

The risk for developing osteoporosis increases as people age, particularly in women. Because of this, it is necessary to pay attention to the recommended daily allowance of vitamin D and calcium, which entails planning meals with ingredients that are rich in these compounds. The recommended daily allowance for calcium in adults 51 and above is 1,200 milligrams. Meanwhile, adults over 50 should get 600 international units (IU) of vitamin D. On the other hand, adults aged 50 and below should get 200 IU of Vitamin D and 1,000 milligrams of calcium.

Physical exercise to promote stronger bones

Physical exercise can be helpful in maintaining bone density. There are two different types of physical exercise which are especially intended for promoting optimal bone strength. These are muscle strengthening and weight-bearing exercises.

Muscle strengthening exercises are usually performed with resistance to improve the strength of muscle contraction. Lifting weights, using elastic bands, or exercising on weight machines all promote an increase in the number of muscle fibers of the targeted muscle or muscle group. Stronger muscles have better ability to support the bones. On the other hand, weight-bearing exercises are physical activities that are performed while upright or while the feet are stably planted on the ground and the body are moving. Weight-bearing exercises may either be low impact activities (aerobics, step-up exercises) or high impact activities (dancing, running, jumping rope). These exercises promote the building of bones and increase bone strength by promoting more compact deposition of bone tissue.

Get more information about bone strenghtening

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Jim_Gilbertson

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/9028744

Are Weight Loss Pills Safe For You?

Today's market is flooded with so many diet pills and supplements that you wonder what will work for you and what won't. This is due to the fact that obesity among people is on a steady increase and there is a growing demand to resort to any method with the sole objective of weight loss within a short span of time.

Just because you find many kinds of weight reduction pills on the market, it cannot be said that all of them are safe for consumption and at the same time effective. You'll not be able to decide if it is safe for you to use them to bring down your weight. The safety aspects of any diet pill have to be ascertained before using it.

Another notable feature in this type of weight loss is that if you are over weight, you resort to the normal methods like dieting and exercise to a certain extent. When you don't find success within a short time (which is impossible as it takes time for any weight loss program to work), you become impatient and look for quick weight loss by taking diet pills.

Who can take diet pills and who shouldn't?

There are many factors to be considered before taking weight loss pills. A few of them are:

o Some pills may work well and help reduce your weight. But at the same time, they may produce harmful side effects like palpitations, shivering, sleeplessness and sometimes even cause cardiac arrest. This is due to the presence of amphetamines that help suppress your appetite, but have other ill-effects. So people, particularly those with a medical condition should never resort to their use.
o When it is safe to lose weight the natural way by chalking out a good weight loss diet plan, why should you use pills if you are not sure about their side-effects?
o Diet pills do work well sometimes and rapidly too, just as you want them to. But there can be no guarantee that you'll not regain the lost weight once you stop taking the pills. In fact there is a possibility of gaining twice the weight you lost. You'll also realize that the damage has been done to your heart and the entire system in general.
o It is very dangerous to use pills containing ephedra according to the Food and Drug Administration, U.S.A., as it contains some unpleasant side-effects.

What you should know about pills

Therefore, before you start using diet pills and supplements to cut down your weight drastically, you should:
o Consult your physician to know more about the composition of the drug in the pill.
o Research more to get a thorough knowledge about the side-effects of the chemicals present in the pills or supplements.
o Talk to many people who had used pills for achieving weight loss and get recommendations from them.

You may be very enthusiastic in bringing down your body weight to the optimum level. But, there are certain right ways to do it. So, exercise caution, read well, talk to people and then decide on the right course of action. All said and done, a natural weight loss plan is any day better than taking diet pills and supplements.

Helen R. Miller is a diet control fanatic, who has lost over 70 pounds of body fat. She shares her amazing story of how she did it through her weight and diet control [http://www.helensdiet.com/blog/category/lose-weight] blog.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Helen_R._Miller

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/3585973

Natural Weight Loss Pills Block Fat So You Can Lose Weight More Easily

If you've been trying to lose weight for any length of time then you will know how frustratingly hard it can be. This is where taking natural weight loss pills can help you by making the process a whole lot easier and less stressful.

Imagine being able to regulate the amount of fat your body can absorb into your system. This is how some natural weight loss pills are so effective at helping you lose your unwanted pounds.

With less fat available for your digestion to absorb, slimming down suddenly becomes a lot simpler and far more straightforward.

When you incorporate them into a healthy balanced diet, natural weight loss pills will greatly improve your results in a shorter space of time.

You will be able to steadily shed those excess pounds without any drastic changes to your lifestyle.

Scrutinizing product labels for hidden fat content will become a thing of the past and you will be able to enjoy a wider range of food while knowing that you are still on track for reaching your target.

Occasional lapses from your diet won't matter so much anymore.

You'll even be able to enjoy the occasional burger or desert, and you can have the odd treat, as part of your balanced healthy diet.

Natural weight loss pills can prevent your body from absorbing up to 27% of the dietary fat you do eat. They do this by binding to the fat and making it indigestible so that it passes straight through your system without increasing the amount of fat already in your body.

This means you can concentrate on losing the fat you already have and you can stop worrying about the small amount of fat content in the food you do eat on a daily basis.

Losing excess fat doesn't get much easier.

All you have to do is take your natural weight loss pills after every meal and they will do the hard work for you.

However, not all natural weight loss pills are created equal, and very few are FDA approved or medically backed. Some are not entirely natural although they claim to be, so be very careful when choosing which ones to use.

One brand of natural weight loss pills in particular stands out from all the rest and has been rated number one for its effectiveness, consistency and overall quality by many customers and independent review sites. This product is totally organic and the ingredients are 100% natural, it can also be taken for as long as you need it to meet your weight loss goals. Not surprisingly, it has been FDA approved, clinically tested and medically backed.

So whether you want to just lose a few pounds or drastically reduce your body size this one product ticks all the boxes for you. You can lose those excess pounds easily and naturally by preventing your body from absorbing fat, all you need to do is take your natural weight loss pills after every meal.

Find out more about these amazing little pills by reading this Proactol Review [http://beauty-secrets4u.com/proactol-weight-loss-pills-review.htm] and if you decide you want to try them for yourself you can collect your 15% discount voucher code and Buy Proactol Online [http://beauty-secrets4u.com/buy-proactol.htm].

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Elaine_Woosey

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/6167157

Stress and Weight Loss - Losing Weight During a Recession

Stress and weight loss do not go hand in hand. If you are under pressure and feeling stressed, the chances are you'll have piled on the pounds rather than losing them.

The current economic situation has seen people lose jobs, unemployment is rife and people are earning less money. Studies have been conducted showing that those who are financially poorer, are more likely to find themselves over-weight. So, if you are suffering financially during this recession but still want to effectively lose weight, what can you do about it?

Well, the first step to de stress, lose weight and start feeling good about yourself again is to change your weight loss habits and start adhering to the following:

1.) Stop snacking on junk foods.

We all do it at some point. Grab the nearest chocolate bar or bag of chips to stave off the hunger pangs and this is never more true when we are working long hours just to stay in a job and pay the rent. The key here is to replace the junk with nutritious snacks such as fruit, nuts and wholegrain alternatives. Not only is it cheaper to grab a banana than it is to eat a popular chocolate bar, it is also far healthier!

2.) Prepare your food before you leave the house.

Food preparation is key if you are to succeed in losing weight during recession. You'll save money by using left-overs from last night's dinner and you'll have all your meals pre-prepared so that you can eat frequently and ward off those hunger demons!

3.) Forget the micro-wave meals and takeaways.

Micro-wave and takeaways that seem convenient are a primary reason why people stay fat. Sure, its easier to check a ready-meal in the microwave when you get home from work but if you look at the bigger picture, you will find that you are not only wasting time and money, but also causing your waistline to expand. A better way to go about things is to pick up fresh fruit and veg at the supermarket and prepare it when you get home - it may take 10 minutes longer to prepare but you can save the left-overs for tomorrow's meal - saving you money and keeping you healthy.

By just utilizing the fat tips above you will find you are able to stop stress and weight loss becomes easy. You'll also save money and feel far healthier!

Click here to watch this excellent video: Stress and Weight Loss - it gives more in-depth information regarding losing weight during a recession to keep your bank manager happy, and your waistline slimmer!

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Daniel_Depp

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/3368306

Why Eating The Paleo Way Works

There are any number of books on the market that will explain to you the Paleo (or Caveman as it's known) diet. In effect it shouldn't really be called a diet, rather an eating for life plan. The word diet normally conjures up eating to lose weight and then going back to your old way of eating.

This usually results in the weight coming back with a vengeance and more. Before you go buying any books on the subject, some of which are quite technical, let me explain in very simple terms what the Paleo way of eating is and why it works.

For the last 50 years or so we have been bombarded with information that fat causes high cholesterol which in turn increases your chances of heart disease and heart attack. Your advice has been to eat a low fat diet to stay healthy. Now ask yourself this question.

If low fat diets are the answer to good health, why is it that obesity and diabetes is on the increase year after year, even amongst young people in the westernised world.

The problem with low fat foods is that to make them taste good, they are usually loaded with sugar, and to ensure that they keep for a while they are loaded with trans fats and chemicals. Trans fats are made by using hydrogen to make liquid oils into solid. Do you really want to eat foods with that unnatural stuff? Look at any packaged meal in your freezer and see if you can even pronounce some of the chemicals that they contain.

The story continues. Most western diets are loaded with sugar. Bread, bagels white rice white flour should all be avoided if you want to lose weight. Why? Here's a simple explanation. When you eat foods high in sugar, your body reacts by producing insulin. This hormone (insulin) is responsible for stabilising the amount of sugar in your blood. This it does by transporting the sugar (Glucose) to your body cells and into your liver for energy.

When your cells and liver reach saturation point, the insulin transports the remaining glucose to your fat cells for storage.

Now, this is where the interesting stuff starts. When you cut out sugary foods, your body has to get its energy from somewhere. Where does it get it from? You've guessed it, from your fat stores. Therefore, weight loss is the result.

Think about this for a moment. Do you have cereal or toast for breakfast? Are you feeling hungry 2-3 hours later. And does that hunger pang make you reach for some chocolate or a cake or other forms of sugar? The reason is that when you eat that breakfast your glucose level in your blood shot up sharply. Your body responded by producing insulin to stabilise the glucose in your blood.

So your blood glucose dropped sharply fooling your body into wanting a sugar rush. The cycle continues when you eat foods loaded with sugar.

Make no mistake about it. Your body needs FAT. Vitamins A, E, D and K can only be absorbed into your body with fat. They are fat soluble vitamins. You can take as many of these vitamins as you like, if you don't eat fat they cannot be absorbed. The fat is best from grass fed animals like cattle or sheep.

Now you know the reason why your low fat diet didn't work, it's time to take positive action and lose that weight. If you want to know the best way to get started, go here... https://www.facebook.com/PaleoForYou

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Robert_W_Morgan

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/7533006

While the Paleo diet is a great diet, there are some people who don't get the results that they expect. Here are some of the reasons why these people fail on the diet:

Taking Plenty of Nuts

Although, nuts provide you with a lot of calories and fiber, you should avoid taking plenty of them especially if you have a digestive problem. If you have a problem, you should avoid the nuts in your diet until your digestion is perfect.

Taking Too Little Salt

Excess salt is a problem, but having too little salt can also be a big problem. It's common for people to have low blood pressure when they are on the Paleo diet. If this is the case with you, you should consider adding a little bit of salt in your diet.

Not Taking Enough Carbohydrates

Many people who take the Paleo diet tend to avoid taking carbohydrates as they feel that they don't need them. Many of these people end up taking very little carbohydrates. This results to them having very little energy reserves in their bodies.

There is nothing wrong with taking small amounts of carbohydrates; however, you need to ensure that you do it right as doing it the wrong way will most likely result to damage in your thyroid and adrenal glands.

Eating Processed Foods

The Paleo diet recommends that you take natural foods; however, there some people who go ahead and take processed foods such as nut milks and nut flours. These foods are hyper-palatable thus you keep on wanting more. They also contain high levels of calories which aren't good for you especially if you are interested in losing weight. The best way of going about it is avoiding the foods. If you have to take them, you should take them to a minimum.

Avoiding Exercises

Exercises are very important for you to have a healthy lifestyle. The cool thing is that you don't have to engage yourself in complex exercises. A simple exercise such as walking is enough to help you live a healthier and fulfilling life.

Not Tracking Your Progress

This is synonymous to not knowing where you are going and where you are coming from. To be on the safe side you should track your progress. For example, if you are interested n losing weight, you should take it upon yourself to weigh yourself every week. This way you will know whether you are adding or losing weight. You will also know what you need to do in order to achieve the results that you want.

We have plenty of information on paleo diet. We'll also help you in creating a paleo meal plan that will help you achieve anything that you want.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Dan_Vay

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/9087076

Average Medifast Weight Loss - How Much Weight Will I Lose on the Medifast Diet?

In this article let's address the average Medifast weight loss and see if it meets YOUR dieting targets. The simple truth is that it is impossible to really prognosticate or promise ANYONE that they will lose a specific amount of weight...and any diet that does that is not being honest! (Especially those that tell you a DEFINITE amount of weight will be lost for every "X" amount of days....very popular with some online e books of questionable quality and ethics..:-) But there ARE certainly norms and averages, and there are ALSO realistic expectations that CAN be promised if you follow the plan. With a program like Medifast, these targets are fairly easy to follow, and offer, as the diet is founded on SOUND caloric control principles.

So What is the Average Medifast Weight Loss Then?

The Medifast ad's promise 20 pounds for every 30 days is possible. Believe it or not, may exceed that number with ease. Others who are less diligent, and possibly less active to boot, should expect NO LESS than 2 pounds per week, or closer to 10 pounds per month. These are not only achievable goals, on the low side, I dare say they are relatively easy to hit as well.

More Average Weight Loss Numbers to Chew On: Medifast in a Clinical Setting:

In a clinical setting at John Hopkins Medical Center, the average weight loss of men and women on the Medifast diet well EXCEEDED 50 pounds per dieter. Wow is right! The men actually dropped MORE than 60, and the women were average a hair less than 55 pounds per person. These are indeed life changing numbers, but the kind of results any body can achieve if they follow the program the very same way. Commit to the idea of changing YOUR life, and simply use Medifast to meet, or EXCEED your goals is ALL you need to succeed - I promise!

Remember - if you HAVEN'T been able to lose weight before...it's NOT your fault! Knowledge is POWER, and the most important step on the path to a firm, fit & beautiful body is information, EDUCATION and empowerment!

Click Here -->to lose 20 pounds in 30 Days and join over one MILLION men and women who have lost weight on the Medifast Diet!

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Tina_Bardo

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/1572662

Weight Loss Diets - A Review Of 4 Popular Diets

Trying the 1000 calorie diet is only advisable for one week, due to your body entering starvation mode and conserving fat. Overdoing the 1000 calorie diet is counterproductive to your body so try to stay on it for only 1 week. After 1 week you will lose between 3-5 pounds. The 1000 calorie diet can be used as a starter diet for a long term weight loss program. Try to aim for 2-3 pounds of weight loss and a good exercise program to begin with. After 1 week on the 1000 calorie diet, try upping your calorie intake or reverting back to a not so severe diet, this will prevent your body's metabolism from slowing down. Here is a simple 1000 calorie daily menu.


o Banana sandwich made with 2 slices of wholemeal bread and a small banana

o Small glass of orange juice


o 1 pot of low fat yoghurt (preferably fruit)


o 1 wholemeal roll filled with tuna and low fat mayonnaise (use tin tuna in spring water)

o Mixed lettuce salad, red or yellow sweet peppers, spring onions


o 1 bag of lower fat crisps


o Roast chicken breast (without skin)

o Potatoes, mashed with 30ml semi-skimmed milk

o Broccoli (all vegetables steamed or boiled)

o Carrots

o Gravy (made from granules)


o 1 low calorie hot chocolate drink made with powder and water

Drinks throughout the day

o Diet coke, water, black coffee or tea without sugar

The 1000 calorie diet can be used as a starter diet for a long term weight loss program. Try to aim for 2-3 pounds of weight loss and a good exercise program to begin with. Remember after 1 week on the 1000 calorie diet, try upping your calorie intake or reverting back to a not so severe diet, this will prevent your body's metabolism from slowing down.

Vegetarian Diet

A well balanced vegetarian diet provides many benefits for the body. Some of those benefits include a reduced risk of chronic diseases, such as:

o Obesity

o Coronary artery disease

o Hypertension

o High blood pressure

o Diabetes

o Some types of cancer and more...

Your vegetarian diet, must be planned well. If not your body could end up in need of some vital nutrients. Some of these nutrients essential for the body are:

o Protein

o Minerals (zinc, calcium, iron)

o Vitamin b12

o Vitamin d

Protein sources include, tofu and other soy-based products, legumes, seeds, nuts, grains, and vegetables

Experts say that in order for a balanced vegetarian diet, you should eat nuts and whole grain cereals for good sources amino acids.

Greens such as spinach, kale and broccoli are a good source of calcium.

For sources of vitamin b12 which comes from animals, can be substituted with fortified breakfast cereals and fortified soy drinks.

Sources of iron are red meats, liver and egg yolks which are all high in cholesterol. Spinach, dried beans and dried fruits are all good vegetarian sources of iron.

A vegetarian diet is healthier than a meat diet. However this does not mean that you have the right to stuff your face with crisps, chocolate and chips everyday. Your balanced diet should include all of the above, i.e. Fruit, vegetables, nuts, dairy produce and soy. Below is a table of some calorie controls in a vegetarian diet:

Food Group 1200 Calorie 1500 Calorie 1800 Calorie

Vegetables 5 servings 6 servings 8 servings

Fruits 3 servings 3 servings 5 servings

Grains 2 servings 3 servings 4 servings

Dairy 2 servings 2-3 servings 2-3 servings

Beans, Nuts and Seeds 5oz 6oz 7oz

Total Fat 30-35g 40-50g 50-60g

You can find a massive rage of diets on the internet free of charge! A vegetarian diet is an all round healthier option, and can go a long way to helping you on the road to losing weight.

Abs Diet

The Abs Diet works on the theory that every 1lb of muscle gained, your body intern burns an extra 50 calories per day. So if you can build an extra 10lb of muscle your body will then burn an extra 500 calories per day. Using the Abs Diet your body will burn more energy by eating the correct foods and exercising the correct way. Losing 500 calories per day will loose you 1lb of weight per week. Expect to loose up to 12lb in the first two weeks followed by 5-8lb in the forth coming two.

The Abs Diet allows you to eat 6 meals per day which consist of 12 power foods, such as: chicken, turkey and other lean meat, olive oil, beans and pulses, almonds, low fat dairy products, green vegetables, oats, eggs, wholegrain bread, whole grain cereals, berries, and protein powder. All other food is a not allowed.

For 6 weeks you will eat a series of 12 power foods, which provide the body with all the fibre and minerals you need to stay healthy and build muscle. Along with the diet you will do a 20 min workout three times per week, which will aid in the fat burning.

The Abs diet is mainly aimed at men, however women are encouraged to participate. The range of foods you can eat is still good and you do get an exercise program out of it. Also some very good looking Abs, health and sex life. The full diet book is: The Abs Diet by David Zinczenko from all good on-line book stores.

The Kellogg's Cereal Diet

One of the simplest diets around at the moment is the Kellogg's Cereal Diet. It is not a crash weight loss diet which will lose you pounds upon pounds; however it will allow you to get into those jeans that are 1 size to small.

To start the Kellogg's Diet all you have to do is, eat one bowl of Kellogg's Special K or Cornflakes for breakfast, and also one for a replacement lunch or dinner. That's all! Carry this on for two weeks then you will see the results. Expect to lose around 3-6lb.

Whist on your diet, Kellogg's allow you to have the same drinks and snacks as you usually would, but recommend that you eat a well balanced meal every day, with more fruit and vegetables. Another tip from Kellogg's, is to keep a food diary to monitor and keep you aware of your current eating habits.

Article supplied by Michael Aldridge. For a complete and extensive guide to losing weight, please visit our web site at [http://www.onlineguidetoweightloss.com]

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Michael_Aldridge

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/146845

Start Your Weight Loss Diet Today

Kick start a weight loss diet now if you need!

Dietary practices of many societies have changed over the past decade as a result of increasing affluence and food availability. Ready-made, high-fat, high-sugar, high-calorie foods are the most convenient norm in this fast-paced age. If we allow ourselves to indulge too much in these foods, we may find ourselves losing control of our weight and becoming obese, which is scientifically defined as having a weight that is more than 20% expected according to age, sex, height, and build.

Nobody wants to be obese as more body weight translates into higher blood pressure, and hence higher risks for numerous potentially lethal health problems including cardiovascular disease, stroke, kidney disease, diabetes, cervical, prostate, colon or breast cancer, hypertension, high blood cholesterol, high triglyceride, osteoarthritis, sleep disorder; depression, anxiety, and back problems.

Genetic and environmental factors do play a strong role in obesity too. Some people are genetically prone to weight-gain, while others face challenging environments, like sedentary work conditions. All these, combined with sparse physical activity and poor eating habits, contribute to obesity.

Many fret and get depressed over their excess weight. But, the good news is obesity is a problem that you can control. You don't have to be fat!

From some diet and nutrition experts, I have learnt some very useful tips on healthy dieting and an easy method to control portion sizes and eat the right foods combinations. The first tip, reduce the size of your meals by eating smaller but more frequent meals instead of three large meals, and avoid snacking in between. Pay attention to your portion sizes for each meal. Eat about one cup of complex carbohydrates or starches, such as potatoes, rice, and breads, but look for whole-meal varieties, not the over refined white stuff, the best is to be able to bake your own fresh breads (they last for only about two days, but are worth going - free of preservatives and full of vitamins!).

For protein, take a small palm size of lean meat for each meal and keep it to just 3 or 4 times a week. Substitute fish that is high in omega-3 fatty acids instead of meats high in saturated fat like hamburger. Take fatty fish like mackerel, lake trout, herring, sardines, albacore tuna and salmon as they are rich in omega-3 fatty acids. In your weight loss diet, avoid saturated fat, trans fat and high cholesterol foods by replacing them with monounsaturated and polyunsaturated fats such as canola oil, olive oil or liquid margarine. Animal fats are saturated fats that get stored in layers of fatty tissues, our body doesn't need them. Egg is rich in protein but take just two or three times a week as too much of it can raise cholesterol and is not good for any weight loss diet.

And of course, for each meal, remember to take a fist-full of fruits and vegetables to give your stomach a sufficient dose of antioxidant and that "full" feeling it craves. Take fresh fruit and not those you find in convenient cans, and don't overcook your vegetables.

Grab a healthy snack for the road, and always have fruit, carrot sticks, or another healthy snack handy which you can use to fend off the urge for quick, high-fat food such as chocolate chip cookies, ice-creams, and sugar-filled rolls. Keep a stock of healthy snacks around your house and workplace such as seeds, dried fruit, and wholemeal crispbread. Try to cut down on chips and takeaways as far as possible, and avoid using white sugar in your daily foods such as tea, coffee, bread and toasts and replace it with natural sweetener, honey.

A glass of honey water or non-caffeinated tea helps to fill your stomach, hold cravings at bay, and is a good Personally, I like to I keep bottled water within reach at my desk all the time and take a swig whenever I feel hungry. Water is an important nutrient which is vital for a variety of bodily functions and processes including removal of waste products, carrying nutrients, and regulating body temperature. It helps reduce fluid retention, and keep bowel functions normal. Drink plenty of water - at least eight cups of water or fresh juices each day and put away coffee, alcohol, and sodas, if you are serious about following a weight loss diet and shedding the pounds. You probably know that a can of coke contains almost 10 teaspoons of sugar or the entire daily recommended amount of calories from sugar, and takes 32 glasses of water to neutralize the phosphoric acid (which weakens our bones) your body? Many years back, I used to rely on artificial sweeeteners for weight loss and to cut calories in my diet but later was shocked to discover that they are worse than table sugar! These sweeteners not only give us an acidic waste removal problem and throw off our pH balance and but also introduce toxins and damage our body in serious and irrepairable way.

Start today, gradually work to improve your good eating habits and replace bad ones, and you are on the way to achieving fitness!

Besides committing to a weight loss diet, slowly establish a start an exercise regimen. You don't have to be an athlete to stay fit. Health and fitness experts believe that 30 minutes of moderately intensive activity, like fast walking at least three days a week, will gradually improve our fitness level. A higher fitness level will benefit you physically several ways. You will have more energy, a higher metabolism, more lean muscle and less fat. You will have more strength and energy all day. And of course, very importantly, there is cosmetic benefit of a healthy weight; you'll feel better about yourself and your appearance. An improved self-image and self-esteem give you more confidence in social settings. Begin with manageable goals, track your progress, and find creative means and ways to cheer and motivate yourself to press on each day.

Source: http://www.benefits-of-honey.com/weight-loss.html

R. Tan is the owner of the website benefits-of-honey.com which is a rich honey resource community specially built for all the honey lovers and fans in this world. She has packed this website with a wide range of quality contents on honey based on her knowledge and experience with honey, so as to promote its invaluable benefits which she believes could bring many positive spin-offs in everyone's daily life.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Ruth_Tan

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/472506

Juicing Fruits and Vegetables - A Healthy and Simple Habit

Upon waking, one of the first things you should do is combine fruits and vegetables onto a plate and put this plate in the 'fridge. Throughout the day, wait until you get significantly thirsty. When you are thirsty enough to the point you are actually willing to get something to drink, take at least one fruit or vegetable out of that plate and juice it. If it does not satisfy your thirst enough, have more from the plate and make sure they are juiced. Eventually, obviously there should be a point in the day or night when the plate is empty.

Though it seems like a minor habit to have, it can still significantly result in positive health effects for a lifetime if you have enough motivation to keep it up on a daily basis. It is actually not difficult to keep it up on a daily basis but it obviously depends where you are at. For one, consider the pleasant taste that fruits and vegetables have. This possible sensation to the taste buds, along with the obvious health benefits of fruits and vegetables, are reasons for a person to keep this habit up. When you finally find reasons to do this, it is no longer something seemingly worth second-guessing about. Obviously, fruits and vegetables are known world-wide for their health benefits and tendency to decrease likelihood of diseases in general and treating ones that are already there along with wounds

If a person does some research, he may find that if he juices them, he may actually even reap MORE health benefits than if he ate them solid. This could be because there is obviously not as much work going on the digestive system in regards to juiced ones as solids, so it could be easier for the nutrients to be utilized throughout the inside of the body. You will probably find more than one source that claims it is more healthy overall to juice fruits and vegetables than to eat them solid.

See more here! [http://attempting-to-significantly-lose-weight.com/faq]

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Jake_T._Wilson

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/4660339

الأربعاء، 2 سبتمبر 2015

Eat Healthy by Juicing Your Food

Juicing, quite simply put, is using a machine to pulverize fresh fruits and vegetables, separating the liquid from the pulp and drinking it. This method of feeding yourself falls under the banner of a raw food diet because there is no cooking involved.

Proponents of juicing tout the benefits of using only organic produce because today's farmers use an overabundance of dangerous pesticides and chemicals on their mass produced crops. It is these chemicals and pesticides that while successful at prolonging the shelf life of food, is actually slowly killing the consumer who eats it. Organic produce is grown without the use of pesticides and chemicals and therefore doesn't last as long as regular produce. That's a good thing. You really don't want to eat anything that won't eventually die, according to most food experts.

So when juicing for health, it is best to drink your freshly made concoction first thing in the morning on an empty stomach. This will ensure quick absorption of all nutrients. Now when starting out, choose to juice the fruits that you like, maybe apples, oranges or watermelon. Once you get used to the fruits then try adding a vegetable into the mix. Juice a carrot or two with your apple juice. Later you can add other vegetables. Veggies take a bit more getting used to because of taste, as some of them are not naturally sweet and because they have a tendency to cause gas and stomach upset. This upset only lasts for a few days, until your body gets used to the change.

While many people use juicing as a means of fasting to cleanse their bodies of toxins, many others simply combine juicing with the consumption of solid foods. Replacing a cooked or prepared meal is a great way to lose weight. Replacing all solid meals with fresh fruit and vegetable juices for a week or two will cause immediate and dramatic weight loss. Care should be taken not to prolong the fast, or you can actually weaken your body sending it into malnutrition. Remember, two day out of a week or one week a month for a couple of months can produce the kind of healthy weight loss that you want without going overboard.

A good rule of thumb with veggies is that the greener the veggie, the more nutrient rich it is. So using leafy greens like spinach, cabbage or endive really do pack a nutritional wallop. The taste however, is an acquired taste. But hang with it. You can grow to like it. There is also a bit of preparation needed for your produce if you didn't initially buy organic. You can still use regular store-bought produce. You will need to remove the pesticide and chemicals.

This is done by soaking the produce in a mixture of water and hydrogen peroxide, which can be purchased at any drugstore. Add a cap full of the hydrogen peroxide to the water and allow the produce to soak for about ten minutes, or until you can smell the water. That smell is the toxin coming off the produce. Remove the produce, dry it off, and store it in the refrigerator. You should use it within three day after purchase.

Click on, http://www.shortbeauty.com, for more information

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Ghandi_Joseph

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/4388146

8 Dangerous And Shocking Ingredients Hidden In Your Foods

As a qualified personal trainer and health coach I've evaluated a lot of diets and meal plans over the years. I always ask "So what is your diet like?" And the most common response is... "Oh my diet's pretty good actually." It's not until we delve deeper into what people are consuming on a daily basis where we start to realize that their diet wasn't that healthy after all.

Just because a food product is sitting on a supermarket shelf doesn't mean that it's OK to eat. Think about it... Children can eat crayons but we don't call crayons food. Therefore, why are we putting so many lifeless and nutrient devoid foods as well as many known toxins into our bodies these days?

The food companies certainly don't make it easy. Most of the food labels don't make much sense due to all the codes and unpronounceable names. But did you know that there are legal loopholes where manufacturers can add certain ingredients and chemicals to the product, but state on the label that the product doesn't contain those ingredients at all? Ridiculous isn't it!

As you read on you'll come to realize why more and more people are starting to eat fresh and healthy unprocessed foods to avoid these disgraceful ingredients. Below I've outlined 8 dangerous and shocking ingredients hidden in your foods that you should be aware of.

1. Anti-Freeze

Yes you read correct... Anti-freeze is what goes into the radiator of your car so it won't over heat but also won't freeze up in colder climates. It's called propylene glycol, also known as propane-1,2-diol or E1520. It's a chemical that has many industrial uses such as Corexit, which is an oil dispersant used for oil spills in the ocean. It's also used in pharmaceutical drugs and cosmetics, right through to many ice creams.

Luckily for the folks in the European Union, they have not cleared propylene glycol as a food additive or food grade product. My advice, make your own ice cream and stop consuming products that contain this chemical.

2. Human Hair

Proteins are the building blocks of life and are made up of amino acids. Although they are good for your health, I'm sure you'd agree that there must be a better way to extend the shelf life of some products other than using human hair or duck feathers.

The amino-acid L-Cysteine is used to prolong the shelf life of many products such as commercial breads. The L-Cysteine that is used to prolong these foods often comes from duck and chicken feathers as well as horns from cows that have been slaughtered. However the most commonly used version comes from human hair. Yes, you read that correctly.

Reports have shown that the hair used to derive L-Cysteine mostly comes from China, where it's collected from hair salons and barber shops, then processed. Most fast food chains add this form of L-Cysteine to their burger buns and rolls.

To avoid consuming human hair or duck feathers in your foods, try buying freshly baked breads from your local baker as L-Cysteine isn't in the flour, but added to the mix during production of breads and the like. Even better, make your own.

3. Arsenic

Arsenic is a known carcinogen, which means that it causes cancer in living tissue. The unfortunate thing about this toxic element is that it seems to keep showing up in our food supplies. It's in everything from breakfast cereals and rice, through to fruit juice and your drinking water. Sometimes at levels up to 2 - 3 times what is considered safe. It's also been shown to be in many protein powders. Yes, you read that correctly as well... those expensive protein powders that many people waste their money on have been shown to contain this toxic element amongst others.

Many wines and beers have also been shown to contain arsenic, mostly the clearer ones. To filter these beverages they use diatomaceous earth, which is a natural product but it contains iron and other elements, such as arsenic.

So to avoid this toxin, get a good quality water filter for your house and drink wine or beer that is unfiltered. The unfiltered wine and beer also contain more nutrients.

4. Anal Glands

This one sounds nice doesn't it... Anal glands anyone? No thanks!

Most people don't realize that some of the flavors used in your favorite ice creams amongst other things, comes from the castor sacs of beavers, which is located at their rear end of the animal. This secretion is called castoreum and is used to mark the beaver's territory. Due to the close proximity of the castor sacs to the beaver's anal glands, castoreum can be a combination of urine, secretions from the castor glands as well as secretions from the anal glands.

Castoreum is used to flavor vanilla, raspberry and strawberry ice cream and is a Food and Drug Administration (FDA) approved food additive in many popular ice cream brands. It's also used to flavor many beverages such as protein and meal replacement drinks. You will generally find it labeled as "Natural Flavoring". Isn't that great, so for all you know, many of these so-called "natural" ingredients could be anal secretion from other animals.

My advice... again, make your own ice creams so you don't consume beaver droppings.

5. Borax

Borax has been banned as a food additive in Canada and the U.S. but is allowed in the European Union, even though they listed it as a substance of very high concern. It's commonly used to make cosmetics, detergents, enamel glazes, fiberglass, as a flux in metallurgy and is used in fire retardants.

In the food industry it's known by it's E number: E285. Borax is used for acidity control, firming agent and preservative. It can be found in some caviars, noodles and depending on region can be added a variety of dishes to add a firm texture.

Borax has been given the revised classification as toxic for reproduction - category 1B.

6. Coal Tar

Doesn't this one sound appetizing? No way! You might be thinking what on earth would coal tar be doing in food? Well the good old processed foods industry is at it again.

So many of the processed food items that grace the supermarket shelves these days contain a long list of food dyes. Most of those food dyes are derived from coal tar and it is listed as a known carcinogen (causes cancer in living tissue).

It's used in such things as road manufacturing, road and pavement sealing coats, cosmetics, shampoos and pharmaceutical drugs.

In foods and beverages it's known as E102, Tartrazine or Yellow #5 and can be found in sodas, flavored chips, pickles, cheese flavored products as well as many other food and beverage items. This is just another reason to keep processed foods away from your body as well as those of your loved ones.

7. Rodent Hair

Would you like some rodent hair with that? I'm sure this is something that you usually sprinkle over your freshly made healthy meals... Not. Well according to the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) it's fine to have some rodent hair in your food.

Due to most food manufacturing being processed in large industrial facilities, the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has an allowance for rodent hair in many products, in what they term "unavoidable defects". They allow 1 rodent hair per 100g of chocolate, 5 rodent hairs per 18oz peanut butter jar and 22 rodent hairs per 100g cinnamon.

This will sure keep me away from processed foods for a very long time.

8. Boiled Beetles

It just keeps getting better doesn't it? Now why would you need bits of beetles in your food you may ask? Known as carmine, natural red #4, crimson lake or E120, it's a food coloring made by boiling cochineal insects in a sodium carbonate or ammonia solution.

It's used to manufacture plastic flowers, inks, dyes, paints and cosmetics. In foods and beverages it's used to color ice cream, candy, yogurt and certain fruit juices. It's been shown to cause anaphylactic shock and severe allergic reactions in some people.

Other dyes used instead of natural #4 are synthetic alternatives such as: red #40 and red #2. These are derived from petroleum production. My advice, keep this garbage away from your body as much as you can.

We seem to wonder why that even though we are more technologically advanced than any other time in history, humans are also more sick and diseased than any other time in history.

To me it's as plain as day. It is items that I've mentioned and the thousands of other food additives, flavors, colors and preservatives that our leaders allow manufacturers to add to the foods people eat that is helping to cause illness world wide.

So it really is up to you. As Hippocrates said thousands of years ago:

"Let food be thy medicine and medicine be thy food"

So be smart and choose your food wisely.

To great health,

Paul Scicluna

Copyright © 2015. All rights reserved.

To discover more interesting and factual food knowledge, and how to get your health on track, visit... http://globalhealthrenegade.com/

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Paul Scicluna:
No. 1 International Best Selling Author, and Health and Wellness Expert

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